Word Freak

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I just finished reading Word Freak, Stefan Fatsis’ excellent book on the crazy world of competitive Scrabble. I’d heard lots of praise for the book, and no wonder: it’s one of the more interesting books on board games I’ve read. Highly recommended. If you want it, my copy is available on BookMooch. (Word Freak: Heartbreak, Triumph, Genius, and Obsession in the World of Competitive Scrabbleplayers in Amazon.co.uk)

One response to “Word Freak”

  1. I read WordFreak a few years ago (before I discovered German games) and enjoyed it a lot. Fatsis is a very good writer, with a strong sense of character.
    Because he got immersed in the pro Scrabble scene himself, rather than just writing about it from outside, he tasted “Scrabble-geekishness” himself. As a result, he is much more sympathetic to many of the oddballs he portrays than most writers would be when writing about geeks that have inter-personal skills issues.
    Highly recommended.