Category: Game awards

  • Finnish Players’ Picks 2006

    Finnish Players’ Picks have been chosen for 2006! The winner is Caylus. Nice surprise, I’d say. I wonder how much the fast release of the Finnish edition helped… A GeekList of top 25 games is once again available, as are the complete results.

  • Finnish Game of the Year awards

    Finnish Game of the Year awards for 2006 are out now, and what a huge disappointment they are! Best children’s game is Build-a-Burger (I would’ve given the award to Das kleine Gespenst, but I don’t know anything about Build-a-Burger). Best family game is Quackle, which seems to be a clone of Snorta!, or at least…

  • Finnish Players’ Picks 2006 voting is open

    Finnish Players’ Picks 2006 voting is now open and remains so until end of September. If you are Finnish or live in Finland, feel free to list five to seven of your favourite games from the last year (1.9.2005 — 31.8.2006). Remember: the voting isn’t about your all-time favourites or the best games released in…

  • Finnish Players’ Picks 2004

    Ok, finally: Finnish Players’ Picks 2004 voting is over, votes have been tallied and I can announce the results: Puerto Rico wins, again. Carcassonne is second and catches up, losing only by two votes. Once again, there’s a GeekList of the top games (here’s last year’s list). The whole list can be seen at the…

  • Finnish Players’ Picks, coming right up!

    Friday’s are slow at work. Thus, I had plenty of time to tally the votes for the Finnish Players’ Picks. However, I’m not telling you anything yet, you’ll have to wait for another boring day at work before I do the GeekList. All I’m saying that top of the list had both same old hits…

  • International Gamers Awards 2004

    The winner of the International Gamers Awards is St. Petersburg. Neat. When I wrote about the nominees, I wished but didn’t expect it to win. Now the game has won both IGA and DSP awards — my taste in games is better than I thought, it seems. It is no surprise that I was correct…

  • Finnish Game of the Year 2004: Carcassonne

    Carcassonne wins the Finnish Game of the Year 2004 award. As we all know, Settlers of Catan didn’t make it, not even to the finals. However, it got a special mention as an interesting, new kind of game. So basically, I think that reads great game, but too complicated for the award. Finalists included Yundao,…

  • St. Petersburg wins DSP!

    It’s Deutscher Spiele Preis awards time. According to Mik’s DSP 2004 page, 2, 341 gamers cast their votes to determine the best game of 2004. Winner is St. Petersburg and — no surprises here — I think it’s well deserved. I can also agree with San Juan placing second. I’ve played eight games out of…

  • Voting procedures

    In general I prefer awards handed out by a well-chosen jury with a clear agenda. Public voting prefers the popular games too much. For example, the winner of the Finnish Players’ Picks 2004 is fairly easy to guess — there aren’t many games that could do it. My bet is Carcassonne and if it doesn’t…

  • Finnish Players’ Picks 2004

    Last year I queried the Finnish gamers for their favourites in Finnish Players’ Picks 2003 vote. Now it’s time for the 2004 vote! If you’re Finnish or live in Finland, head to voting page to learn more. And if you can’t read Finnish, just e-mail me for more information!