Gaming Year 2014
Another good year, can’t complaing. 2013 was good, and 2014 improved upon that. We bought a house this year and moved in, and that meant I got a bookshelf in my office I could use for games. With most of my games visible there, my son’s interest was piqued, and we ended up trying lots of different games.…
Gaming Year 2013
2013 was a very good year of board games, just like 2012 was before it. My kids and I have continued to play lots of games. My son is now seven and half, and can play quite complicated games. My daughter, soon five, is also a bright little gamer, and much less prone to throwing…
Die kleinen Drachenritter
Another German children’s game, so far with no English edition and no attention whatsoever on BGG. The Finnish edition is called Junior Lancelot. The game: Die kleinen Drachenritter by Marco Teubner, published by Huch & Friends in 2012. Elevator pitch: A stacking game, where you try to climb a wall by piling cardboard objects on top of each…