Tag: Höhlengrölen

  • Queen’s Necklace, Samurai and Höhlengrölen

    I’ve been busy writing reviews. I have already 91 reviews on my web site — I hear the 100 review mark calling my name already. That’ll take some time, but soon, soon I’ll be there. I’m not going to write long reviews of these games now; I’ll just summarize my thoughts shortly. Links are to…

  • Café Games: Gargon, Höhlengrölen, LotR: Confrontation

    This time we didn’t play Go at all! What a surprise! Instead we played some cards. Because there was five of us present, we had little choice amongst the games I brought. So we played Gargon, which is an interesting card game. It’s main quirk is that the backs of the cards are coloured according…

  • Krimsus Krimskrams-Kiste

    The friendly people at Krimsus Krimskrams-Kiste (what a lovely name!) sent me some games: In 80 Karten um die Welt, Wo ist Jack the Ripper?, Höhlengrölen (another lovely name) and Strand-Cup. I got them yesterday and now I’m printing English rules for them (unfortunately it looks like my trusty old printer is going to break…