Tag: Maharaja

  • Maharaja

    Brian Bankler writes in his blog about Maharaja and manages to sum up lots of good reasons why not to like the game. Positive feedback is probably one of the worst, when building palaces gets you more money to build more palaces! I’m considering should I even try to make an effort to play the…

  • Games of 2004

    Another year gone, another report of year’s activities. Once more, there’s probably more information than anyone wants to know, but it’s more for me anyway. Once again I played more than 100 different games — 113 to be precise. That’s less than last year, but then again, I played overall less games this year. Numbers…

  • Boardgame club session: St. Petersburg, Maharaja, Victory & Honor

    We had a pleasant little boardgame club session yesterday. Only few people came to play, but hey — that’s enough. One table of gamers is all I need. Our first game was St. Petersburg. While I explained the rules, I joked that since it’s a four-player game, a fifth player will walk in after I’ve…

  • Maharaja thoughts

    I played a quick test game of Maharaja today so I could explain the game more easily on Saturday, when we have a games meet. It was an interesting experience that presented some of the games interesting attributes. It’s an intriguing game, though I’m not quite sure if I like it or not. I’m afraid…

  • Maharaja and St. Petersburg

    I got Maharaja and St. Petersburg yesterday. As anybody who’s followed Spielfrieks recently can tell, Maharaja rules have caused lots of discussion (Goa has been another hot topic, but since I don’t care about it, I just skip those). It’s a pity if a good game has bad rules. I’ve only leafed through the rules…