Monumento, High Society
Monumento was the last game I reviewed on the old site and High Society is the first one on the new. Monumento (or Make’n’Break) is a very simple dexterity game. The player in turn takes ten large colourful wooden blocks and a deck of cards. When the timer is started, he or she turns up…
Boardgame club session: Doom, Cluzzle
Last month we had a record-breaking crowd, now just few players. Such is fortune, waxing and waning. Perhaps the international film festival had something to do with the smaller attendance. We had enough people to play games, and that’s quite enough. We started the games with Bug Bluff. A deck of 64 bug cards (eight…
Monumento and a curious design decision
I scored a review copy of Monumento (also known as Make’n’Break). It’s a Ravensburger release with a rather simple idea. Players have 10 large colourful wooden blocks and a deck of cards. A card is turned from the deck and the player with the blocks must build the pile of blocks described in the card.…
Carcassonne vs Settlers of Catan — winner is clear
As I mentioned in an earlier entry, Finnish Game of the Year awards are very interesting this year as both Carcassonne and Settlers of Catan are competing for the award. Well, looks like that competition is already done: Catan didn’t make it to the final four. Carcassonne did, and is competing against Yundao, Triominds and…