Gaming Year 2019
2019 was a solid year of games. Updating my game stats app. A major project this year was updating my game stats app. I’ve been keeping my stats in a DIY web app, built with PHP and MySQL some fifteen years ago. I’ve been updating it and adding new features, but I’ve had some problems…
Gaming Year 2018
2018 was the year of the two-player card game. Look at my top three played games: Magic: the Gathering, KeyForge and Shards of Infinity, all with more than fifty plays. When I look at my lists, it feels like I mostly played new games this year. I managed to do that in moderation, though: we’re…
Who Did It?
The game: Who Did It? by Jonathan Favre-Godal. The game was published by Blue Orange in 2018. My copy is a review copy from the Finnish publisher Lautapelit.fi. Elevator pitch: A combination of memory and reaction speed, Who Did It? is a silly game of avoiding poop tokens for children and childish adults. What’s in the…