Second game of Go

We played another game of Go yesterday. This time the stones weren’t on my side: Janne beat me 76 to 51 (I was black, he gave me again 9 stones handicap). I managed to build a very nice and large territory in the middle of the board, but that was pretty much all I got. Janne, in the other hand, had the two rows on his side of the board pretty much completely and another large area on one side. Add to that two areas of ten points in my end of the board and it was clear I didn’t win.

I gave him too much territory on the sides, he built nice walls which I couldn’t breach. That’s something I should work on, how to fight for the sides better. Despite my handicap stones, or perhaps because of them, Janne built very nice walls on the side. He’ll try it again today, I’m sure, when we play the last game of our three-game serie. It’s a pity I’m leaving my job today, just as it was getting interesting…

Well, in the other hand, I’m most happy to leave. Working 15-19 each weekday through the September hasn’t been very pleasant, even though the job was great: nothing to do, so I could work on my projects (as you might have noticed, the Game Profiler wouldn’t exist without this job). And I got paid pretty well, too. But now, it’s over. I’ll just have to move on…

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