My wedding

Oh, and in case you’re interested: I’ve been married man for a week now. For more information, including pictures, see My life as a married man in my other blog.

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5 responses to “My wedding”

  1. Congratulations on getting married! If your spouse supports your gaming hobby, you are very fortunate indeed.

  2. Congratulation, Mikko! Your bride is beautiful … you are a lucky man!
    I never realized you were so young! Ahhh, youth!
    Will you be attending the Spiele Faire in Essen this year?

  3. Congratulations, Mikko! Your bride is beautiful … you are a lucky man!
    I never realized you were so young! Ahhh, youth!
    Will you be attending the Spiele Faire in Essen this year?

  4. First, thanks to everyone!
    Looks like I’m not going to Essen this year either, unfortunately. Money is short, so unless someone pays the trip for me, I’m not going. Sooner or later I’ll be there.
    What comes to my age, well, it will be hard to find a Finnish gamer who’s a lot over thirty. The games back then were probably that bad that few have continued the childhood hobby in their later age. Most people active in the hobby are 20-30. But that, of course, is changing as the gamers are growing older and not going to abandon their hobby.