Finalists for the Finnish Game of the Year awards are out.
Children’s games:
Mighty Magpies (Harakkavarkaat) — Tactic
Geistertreppe (Kummitusportaat) — Marektoy / Drei Magier
Schatz der Drachen (Lohikäärmeen aarre) — Marektoy / Winning Moves
Family games:
Cranium CADOO — Danspil
Ticket to Ride (Menolippu) — / Days of Wonder
Verflixxt (Sellaista sattuu) — Amo / Ravensburger
Adult games:
Alhambra — Tactic / Queen Games
Bohnanza — / Amigo
Karibik (Karibia) — Marektoy / Winning Moves
Da Vinci Code got a special mention for being a particularly good one amongs the non-finalists.
My favourites: Geistertreppe, Ticket to Ride and Bohnanza. It should make an interesting competition this year!
2 responses to “Finnish Game of the Year finalists”
Bohnanza? I don’t understand. It’s at least 8 years old. And I thought Canada was slow to get German imports . . .
Here’s a clue for you… Canada’s population: 32 million. Finland’s population: 5 million. There are no markets, thus no imports. It’s that simple.
Besides: it’s not the age of the game that matters, it’s the quality…