New releases in Finnish

Marektoy releases for 2006 are now public. I’m personally fond of Cluzzle being published, as I’ve translated it and because it was picked from my suggestion. So Dominic, sending me a review copy was a good move. I’m glad it’s out in Finnish, as it’s definitely one of the better party games out there.

Also quite interesting is Tempus, the civilization game by Martin Wallace. It’s been on my list of games to check out — well, now there’s a Finnish edition to check out. Pretty cool.

Manila and Himalaya also get the Finnish treatment. Both are fine, if not excellent games.

For kids, there’s the Geistertreppe sequel Geisterwäldchen (I’m really looking forward to that one), Kinder Spiel des Jahres winner Viva Topo! and the play-in-the-pitch-black Die Nacht der Magier.

Good times, indeed.