Labyrinth — Die Schatzjagd

Review of Labyrinth — Die Schatzjagd in Finnish.

Labyrinth — Die Schatzjagd is a new game under the Amazing Labyrinth banner. It’s quite different from the other labyrints, though.

Treasures in a maze

This time players are tracing their way through small labyrinth cards, trying to find treasure chests. There are ten chests on each card, but not all can be reached: some are behind deadly traps and some behind locked doors. When you know how many chests you can reach, you shout out the number. If you’re right, you collect the labyrinth card and a key.

When you have keys, you must also count the chests behind the locked doors. That makes the process a bit slower and thus balances out the game. That can be used as handicapping, too: if kids and adults play the game together, adults can start with some keys. Once someone wins fifth board, he or she is the winner.

Ricochet Robot junior

That sounds like Ricochet Robot to me, and that’s what it is, to some extent. Die Schatzjadg is, basically, Ricochet Robot for kids. The labyrinths are a lot easier than Ricochet Robot boards. The result is a game that’s too easy for adults, but probably just right for the kids.

There’s also a bit of a guessing problem. There are 35 different labyrinth cards. However, as all have just ten treasures, there isn’t that much variation in the counts. Calling four or five is right over half of the time if you don’t have keys; particularly if someone says five and is wrong, four is likely the correct answer. That might or might not be a problem.

Despite that, Labyrinth — Die Schatzjagd is a nice little game. I like it, even though it’s useless for adults. Play Ricochet Robot instead. However, I’m keeping it in case I one day have a little gamer interested in labyrinths hanging around, looking for games to play.