Pampas Railroads reprint

I was pining for a copy of Pampas Railroads before. Not any more! There’s talk of a reprint! It’s P100 project, that is, if JC Lawrence can get 100 pre-orders, a reprint will be done. P100 for Pampas Railroads is where you sign up. The orders are at 40 or so at the moment, so it’s going to happen, I believe. Pretty cool.

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2 responses to “Pampas Railroads reprint”

  1. Is it that good a game? I was surprised at the buzz this is getting, considering it’s ranked at 1341 and has a single mediocre review. It seems like more a pure stock game with very little in the way of railroad mechanics.

  2. I have no idea if it’s a good game, but it sounds like a good game… I think the best advertising is Wabash Cannonball — Pampas is a larger version of Wabash, basically, and Wabash is the hottest thing right now. Praises from JC Lawrence sure help.
    Pampas Railroads would probably rated so low, because it’s very unknown as John Bohrer doesn’t like selling games =)