Tag: 1960: Making of the President

  • Gaming year 2008

    So, how was the year? Pretty wild, if you ask me. (See Gaming Year 2007.) Good new games (2007-2008 games) Dominion — Well, I played 28 games of this, and most of them outside BrettSpielWelt. That’s a pretty nice number, considering how late this game arrived. Everybody likes it, or at least doesn’t mind playing…

  • Thursday session: 1960 and Ubongo Extrem

    Yesterday’s game session put quality over quantity. I spent two hours playing 1960 with Sami; this included the rules explanation (15 minutes of that, 1 hour 45 minutes of game). I took Nixon and campaigned against Sami’s JFK. I had told Sami that the endorsements were important and as a result, he beat me out…

  • New games in the collection

    I got my copy of Race for the Galaxy yesterday. It looks pretty nifty, though the art is perhaps a bit dark. Then again, I suppose it is dark in space… I’m glad the cards are of decent size, so they work well with card protectors — I’m hoping to play the game that much.…