Tag: awards

  • Finnish Players’ Picks 2006

    Finnish Players’ Picks have been chosen for 2006! The winner is Caylus. Nice surprise, I’d say. I wonder how much the fast release of the Finnish edition helped… A GeekList of top 25 games is once again available, as are the complete results.

  • Finnish Game of the Year awards

    Finnish Game of the Year awards for 2006 are out now, and what a huge disappointment they are! Best children’s game is Build-a-Burger (I would’ve given the award to Das kleine Gespenst, but I don’t know anything about Build-a-Burger). Best family game is Quackle, which seems to be a clone of Snorta!, or at least…

  • Finnish Players’ Picks 2006 voting is open

    Finnish Players’ Picks 2006 voting is now open and remains so until end of September. If you are Finnish or live in Finland, feel free to list five to seven of your favourite games from the last year (1.9.2005 — 31.8.2006). Remember: the voting isn’t about your all-time favourites or the best games released in…

  • The Apples Project

    Mark Jackson has resurrected The Apples Project for a new run after a four-year break (here’s the original Apples Project). The idea is to get a group of experienced gamers to list their favourite games in certain genres or by certain designers. That is, to compare apples to apples (as opposed to comparing wildly different…

  • Gameblog wins awards!

    I’m proud to tell you, my dear readers, that Gameblog has won an award! Gone Gaming Board Game Internet Awards jury gave Gameblog the best session report award for my Essen 2005 coverage. That’s not all! Gameblog also got an honorable mention for the award of the best game blog (winner was Chris Farrell’s blog,…

  • The Gone Gaming Board Game Internet Awards

    Here’s something you don’t see every day: a board game website award! The Gone Gaming Board Game Internet Awards is a bunch of awards for the best board game websites in different categories. Vote for Gameblog!

  • Finnish Players’ Picks 2005

    Finnish Players’ Picks for 2005 have been chosen. The winner is Carcassonne. Puerto Rico, the previous winner, places second. Ticket to Ride grabs the third place. As usual, I’ve created a geeklist of the best games. The full list is on the award homepage.

  • Hall of Fame voting time

    I noticed from Tao of Games that The Sumo Counter Hall of Fame voting is on. You’ll have until 31st of October to vote, which games should make it to the prestigious Hall of Fame. I think the current list is a pretty impressive selection of quality board games, and even if Brian disagrees with…

  • Finnish Game of the Year winners 2005

    Finnish Game of the Year winners have been declared. They reflect the Spiel des Jahres awards closely. Best children’s game is Geistertreppe, 2004 Kinder Spiel des Jahres winner. Kids loved the ghost mechanism and thought the game was funny and exciting. What’s more to ask? Best family game is Ticket to Ride, 2004 Spiel des…

  • Finnish Players’ Picks voting started!

    Come September and another round of Finnish Players’ Picks voting! All Finnish gamers (and gamers living in Finland) are invited to vote for their favourite games. The rules are the same as usual: vote for five to seven of the best games you actually played last year. More information at the voting pages. There’s also…