Tag: BoardGameGeek

  • BGG ratings correlation

    I miss the ratings correlation tool from BoardGameGeek. Actually, I miss it so much, I went and built my own: BGG ratings correlation. Type in two usernames and you’ll get the correlation between the ratings. The tool will cache the collections to reduce the strain to Geek servers (not that it’s a huge problem), and…

  • I’m the Geek of the Week

    Doug Adams was rather kind and chose me as his successor for the coveted Geek of the Week title. This is your chance to ask me the question you’ve always wanted to ask. Just visit my Geek of the Week thread. Thanks Doug!

  • Where’s My Geek?

    Grr. BoardGameGeek just won’t answer. I don’t have any particular need to use it, just some general checking, which I can’t do because either the server is busy or the site doesn’t answer at all, and I’m getting all aggravated about it. Talk about withdrawal symptoms… Please, please get back up, dear Geek!

  • Thursday, day two: Shopping for games

    The morning started off quite well. We were having breakfast, when I suddenly noticed a familiar-looking gentleman in a salmon-coloured shirt: herr Knizia! I wasn’t quite brave enough to go talk to him, but maybe I’ll ask for his signature tomorrow, as I now have a game to ask it to. It would be neat…

  • ÜberGeekBadge

    I’ve achieved something: I have an ÜberGeekBadge. Super neat! You can admire my excellence at my profile page. You’ll also see that I’ve been generous. Creating the Geek Supporter badge was a brilliant idea in the first place and adding the year made it even better. Now the badge will become outdated unless one drops…

  • New Geek feature

    The BoardGameGeek guys just keep on coming up with new features. Now they offer RSS feeds on individual games. The urls are in format http://www.boardgamegeek.com/gamexml/[gameid]. For example, here’s War of the Ring. I’m actually not sure if this is a new feature at all, but I just noticed it today myself. It’s a nice way…

  • GeekSpeak

    The guys at BoardGameGeek have done a radio show. You can download the mp3 from Aldie’s GeekJournal, it’s about 16 megs and 61 minutes. I wasn’t going to listen to it first, but then Iain said it was ok. I got it on my portable mp3 player and listened to it at work while I…

  • Guess what? St. Pete at BSW!

    I just played four two-player games of St. Petersburg at Brettspielwelt. Longest game took almost 14 minutes, fastest was over under eight minutes! That’s more like it! I managed to win only one game. In two-player games it’s easy to see when one player starts to get more and more workers and then you can…

  • Geek Badges

    Talk about silly and useless features… BoardGameGeek allows users to create badges, for the measly sum of 50 geekgold. I got one for myself right away… See We Don’t Need No Stinking Badges for more information. My badge? Green and white "GAME BLOGGER". Of course…

  • BoardGameGeek RSS feeds

    Iain’s blog entry about BoardGameGeek RSS feeds inspired me to subscribe to some of them (new articles, new reviews and new geeklists). They are certainly much better than they used to be.