Tag: Cluzzle

  • New releases in Finnish

    Marektoy releases for 2006 are now public. I’m personally fond of Cluzzle being published, as I’ve translated it and because it was picked from my suggestion. So Dominic, sending me a review copy was a good move. I’m glad it’s out in Finnish, as it’s definitely one of the better party games out there. Also…

  • Cluzzle

    A while ago I got a review copy of Cluzzle, which I’ve now reviewed: review of Cluzzle. In Finnish, as usual. Cluzzle is a party game, where players sculpt riddles of clay (they’re clay puzzles or cluzzles). An ideal riddle is not too hard and not too easy. Everybody creates a cluzzle to start with…

  • Boardgame club session: Doom, Cluzzle

    Last month we had a record-breaking crowd, now just few players. Such is fortune, waxing and waning. Perhaps the international film festival had something to do with the smaller attendance. We had enough people to play games, and that’s quite enough. We started the games with Bug Bluff. A deck of 64 bug cards (eight…

  • Boardgame Club meeting: Niagara, Fresh Fish

    Our club meeting yesterday drew a record crowd of 25 gamers. At one point we had five games going on at the same time! That’s amazing and I do hope this is a continuing trend and not just a fluke. Some of the expansion was caused by a group of people interested to try Age…

  • Fish night

    Johanna was out having a party with her friends, so I took the opportunity and invited my usual posse of Robert, Olli and Ari for some games. We started with Fresh Fish which I had finally picked up earlier today. It sure was a brain-bender! We played twice and in the second game got the…