Tag: Cosmic Eidex

  • Cider gaming: Cosmic Eidex, Mhing

    Yesterday’s game session was motivated by cider. Some local pubs have cider weeks right now and being such a cider fan as I am, I wanted to check out their real cider — it was called Broadside or Broadwinds, don’t know for sure. It was good (though not superior to Weston’s Old Rosie), as were…

  • Cosmic Eidex

    There’s a review of Cosmic Eidex up at the Finnish site. Cosmic Eidex is a trick-taking game for three players. It’s not the easiest game to learn, particularly for players with no earlier experience of Central European trick-taking games. It’s based on Swiss Jass (and few other games), which brings some peculiarities to the fold.…

  • Weekend of Industrial Waste (with some Dvonn)

    I was visiting Jyväskylä last weekend. In addition to some surprisingly pleasing physical work (painting boards and a wall, building scaffolding), we played lots of games. During the years, I’ve introduced several games with variable success. Some have been huge hits (Puerto Rico and St. Petersburg are the most notable examples). Sometimes there have been…

  • Afternoon games: Cluedo, Cosmic Eidex, Amazonas

    I met the Ollis for the last time for now — I’m moving in the end of July and just don’t have enough time for games right now. Too bad, but that’s life. Anyway, we started our games with Cluedo Card Game. It’s a simple deduction game and quite clearly too simple for gamers. As…

  • Midsummer games: Industrial Waste, Cosmic Eidex, Lost Valley

    I met the Ollis Thursday for some games. It was a fairly monotonous event, with only two different games played. It’s not a big deal, since the games were excellent. I’m really growing fond of Industrial Waste. We played three games, once with just Olli M. and me, twice with three players. It’s fast, too…

  • Cosmic Eidex — what a mess!

    Since I now have a Cosmic Eidex deck, I thought perhaps I should take a look at Swiss Jass, the game behind Cosmic Eidex. It turns out Cosmic Eidex is a rather complicated mixture of different Jass games. It’s basically Swiss Jass, alright, but there’s something else, too. The basic structure of avoiding to be…