Yspahan reviewed in Finnish. Yspahan is a game of camels and trading from Ystari Games. The initial buzz over this one wasn’t that big, and I would’ve missed the game altogether based on that. However, Westpark Gamers did a brilliant Windows version of the game (see Yspahan for Windows website), which caused a lot more…
Mice and a cat
I got this year’s Marektoy children’s games lineup. It’s a nice bunch of games from Drei Magier and Selecta, mostly. Selecta games impressed me: like Haba, Selecta is a producer of wooden toys and the games have great components. I played two rounds of Viva Topo! with Johanna yesterday. The game is the Kinderspiel des…
Another Finnish review up: Manila. Manila is an exciting game of gambling in the black market ports of Manila. Players bet on punts that arrive bringing goods in. Unfortunately not all of them make it to the harbour and it’s up to players to bet on which punts make it and which don’t. For a…
That’s Life!, Verflixxt! or Sellaista sattuu
Here’s a review of Sellaista sattuu, the Finnish edition of Verflixxt! / That’s Life!. That’s Life! is a roll and move game from Wolfgang Kramer and Michael Kiesling, better known from their more serious line of action point games (Tikal, Java and Mexica). However, That’s Life! is a pure family game; no more, no less.…
Board game club: Manila, Dividends, Boomtown, Modern Art, Farfalia, Louis XIV
We had a very good game session yesterday. It started with just me and four guys, but hey, we had a blast even if noone else joined us until much later. After clicking through an absolutely dreadful game of Crokinole with Robert, rest of the guys arrived and I got us started with Manila. It…
Poker Dice
Tactic has new tin can games. These games are small travel games, and the set includes Poker dice, Yahtzee, Dominoes, Rummy and Bingo. The Rummy tiles look bizarre and Yahtzee is totally useless, but I went and bought the Poker dice set, mostly because of Dice Games Properly Explained and the way it mentions how…
Do-it-yourself games: Bluff
I played Bluff (aka Call the Bluff aka Liar’s Dice aka Perudo) for the first time last Sunday and thought it to be a game that I would want to own. However, instead of paying lots of money (at least over 20 euros) for the game that consists of some dice, cups and a board,…