Tag: Indonesia

  • Gaming Year 2019

    2019 was a solid year of games. Updating my game stats app. A major project this year was updating my game stats app. I’ve been keeping my stats in a DIY web app, built with PHP and MySQL some fifteen years ago. I’ve been updating it and adding new features, but I’ve had some problems…

  • Indonesia

    On the Finnish site, a review of Indonesia just came up. Indonesia is a serious business game from Splotter, the guys behind Antiquity and Roads and Boats, two highly esteemed heavy games. Indonesia is a worthy addition to that line. Players work behind the scenes of the Indonesian industry. The beginnings are humble: few rice…

  • Storage solutions for Splotter games

    I’ve been happy with my ziploc bag arrangement for Antiquity, but seeing Tommy’s solution made me instantly jealous. So, since I was armed with a car yesterday, we drove to the Hong Kong junk paradise on the outskirts of the city and got me some Shakespeare equipment. I’ve got two different utility boxes. Antiquity uses…

  • Indonesia session

    I got the guys together for a game of Indonesia. My original idea was to play two games, but that was a bit too much to ask. Our game took hefty three hours and 40 minutes, so we didn’t have either time or energy to play a double match. It was still quite an interesting…

  • Board game club: Fettnapf, Havoc, Klondike, Indonesia

    We had a rather pleasant board game club meeting yesterday. First up was Fettnapf — I wanted to try the correct rules. You see, I was taught it wrong in Essen and as I never even looked at the rules, I never got it right, until a friend of mine did a Finnish translation. Oops.…

  • Helcon 2005 — Saturday

    Saturday was games, games, games. About 50 people participated, playing lots of games. Few bigger ones were scheduled and the Memoir ’44 tournament kept on going. Here’s my games: Indonesia. Splotter was the theme of the day, and I started with Indonesia. The game’s about development of Indonesian economy. When the game begins, there are…

  • Friday, day three: Games, games, games

    Here’s what happened yesterday: Today was the day! I went downstairs to use the hotel laptop to send my reports, which I did, and then headed back to the room. I glanced towards the dining room, and who did I see? Reiner Knizia, of course, and he was just leaving. As he wasn’t eating, I…

  • Thursday, day two: Shopping for games

    The morning started off quite well. We were having breakfast, when I suddenly noticed a familiar-looking gentleman in a salmon-coloured shirt: herr Knizia! I wasn’t quite brave enough to go talk to him, but maybe I’ll ask for his signature tomorrow, as I now have a game to ask it to. It would be neat…

  • Essen games

    Now, here’s the entry I’ve been meaning to write for a while now… Which games I’m looking forward to getting from Essen? First let me note that thanks to a deal I’ve got with Lautapelit.fi, Finland’s foremost board game retailer, I have little need to buy stuff I can get later cheaper. That includes Railroad…