Afternoon games: Australia, Industrial Waste
Once again I met with the Ollis to play games. We started with Australia, requested by Olli M-K., who had also played it once before. Olli H. was new to the game. It started to look bad, but turned out rather well. The final scores were 225-186-166, a decisive victory once again. I don’t know…
Mikko goes podcast
Exciting news, everybody: I’ve gone podcast! My first podcast is up at the Lautapelaaja.net podcast page. It’s 9, 3 megabyte mp3 file, I think I managed to balance sound quality and file size pretty well. Unfortunately, there’s a small catch: it’s in Finnish. I spend about 30 minutes talking about Industrial Waste and play two…
Game weekend, part 1: Roads & Boats, Manila, Industrial Waste, Memoir ’44
We had a really good games weekend last weekend. Tommy came over Friday afternoon with a bunch of interesting games to try. We were joined on Saturday by Manu and Robert. After dinner Manu left, but was later replaced by Tommy’s wife Laura, who also happened to be in town. Even though our flat turns…