Mikko goes podcast

Exciting news, everybody: I’ve gone podcast! My first podcast is up at the Lautapelaaja.net podcast page. It’s 9, 3 megabyte mp3 file, I think I managed to balance sound quality and file size pretty well. Unfortunately, there’s a small catch: it’s in Finnish.

I spend about 30 minutes talking about Industrial Waste and play two songs, too. It was easier than I expected and quite fun, too.

I’m thinking about doing it in English, as well — actually, that’s what I started with. I soon realised doing it in English is going to be very difficult (my English attempts have taken a lot more editing than the Finnish, which I got right at the first go), so I’ll probably practise in Finnish and move on to English podcasting when I’m feeling more secure.

I hope all Finnish readers check it out and send me some feedback on it. It’s very important to tell me if it’s any good, because that’s the only way to secure I’ll ever make another one.

You English readers can at least check what I sound like, if you’re curious…

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3 responses to “Mikko goes podcast”

  1. Too bad the Finnish only podcast is about Industrial Waste. That’s a game that I’m very curious about, but there’s not a ton of information on it.
    Still, I’m sure the Finnish boardgame community will be very excited. I hope it’s a huge success.

  2. Welcome aboard the bandwagon, Mikko! I listened to a minute of your show, enjoying (but not understanding!) the Finnish language. At least the audio quality sounded fine. What’s your setup?

  3. Ha, I guessed that visitor from NASA was you.
    I’m using Mac. Our PowerBook has an integrated microphone (so I have to lean over the computer and look silly), which works fine. I record using GarageBand. With Soundflower and LineIn I can add music simply by playing it with iTunes. GarageBand isn’t the easiest program to use, but adding music is pretty simple there.
    I think bringing in sound from Skype would be equally simple, so that’s something I might try one day.
    Anyway, after recording and editing (mostly removing longer pauses, and there’s little need for even that now I’m doing it in Finnish) I export to iTunes and convert to MP3. I use 48 kbps mono sound — I was surprised of how good it actually sounds.
    It’s all pretty simple. The number one improvement would be a microphone headset.
    And don’t you worry — I’ll probably do an English version at some time, and I’ll probably start that one with Industrial Waste, too.