Tag: Kickstarter

  • Dale of Merchants 3

    Dale of Merchants 3 by Sami Laakso, coming to Kickstarter on May 1st 2020. Sami Laakso was kind enough to send me a preview version of the game. I know Sami and have helped promote his games before, but I’ve also bought the published versions of all his games and will buy this one as…

  • Dale of Merchants

    Dale of Merchants is currently running a Kickstarter campaign. I backed it, because the game looks interesting, has nice art, was cheap and is Finnish – plenty of reason to back a game, that is. Since I’m something of a big name in the Finnish board game scene, the designer asked me if I’d like…

  • Lords of Waterdeep, Last Train to Wensleydale

    Two weeks of board games, again: Last Train to Wensleydale. This got played once back in 2009 and has been collecting dust ever since. Part of the reason is the assumed two-hour length. Well, we did play a three player game in less than 90 minutes last week, so I suppose it’s not that bad.…