Tag: Let’s Catch A Lion

  • Let’s Catch the Lion and Yinsh

    I played some games with my brother yesterday. Let’s Catch the Lion is a cute abstract game. It’s a very small variant of shōgi (Japanese chess), with a 3×4 board and just four pieces per player. The action starts right away. It’s a quick game and it didn’t take us long to play four rounds.…

  • Let’s Catch the Lion photoshoot

    I took some photos of Let’s Catch the Lion. It’s a tremendously cute game and well worth all the photos. I still haven’t really played it — I should start carrying it for our game meetings in case there’s a short two player opportunity — but thought I’d give it a go as a photoshoot…

  • Shopping – final list

    Here’s what I ended up getting this season: Winsome Essen set. Almost missed this, but fortunately everything’s now secure. I’m most interested in SNCF, which should be sweet, but Texas & Pacific is also interesting. West Riding Revisited less so, as I didn’t fancy the old West Riding and I don’t really need more long…