Tag: Pirate’s Cove

  • Finnish Game of the Year awards

    Finnish Game of the Year awards for 2006 are out now, and what a huge disappointment they are! Best children’s game is Build-a-Burger (I would’ve given the award to Das kleine Gespenst, but I don’t know anything about Build-a-Burger). Best family game is Quackle, which seems to be a clone of Snorta!, or at least…

  • Pirate’s Cove

    I wrote a review of Pirate’s Cove (in Finnish; review number 92!). I like Pirate’s Cove. I like the fancy bits (I think it’s one of the prettiest games I’ve ever seen), the theme is great and the game is simply a blast to play. However, I’m still rating it as 7. The game’s main…

  • Board Game Club: Finstere Flure, Pirate’s Cove, Wo ist Jack the Ripper

    The University club met for the first time this year on Sunday. The attendance was pretty good (I think there were 16 of us, we had three tables most of the time) and the session was very pleasant in general. The first game I played was Finstere Flure, which made it’s debut now. We had…

  • Games of 2003

    Here it is — the fabled games of 2003 overview (see the 2002 report). Enjoy. As it turned out, I played some games after I had posted this on mailing lists, but fortunately the data is still correct… It’s always interesting to make this list, though it’s also quite annoying to try to select a…

  • Christmas games

    I’ve been playing some games with Johanna during the holidays. I wanted to introduce Attika to Johanna. I thought she might like it, the whole constructive attitude of the game. In the other hand, I thought it might be a bit too complicated. It turned out well. We both played a good game (I suspect…

  • Pirate’s Cove

    I didn’t stay long at the board game club meeting yesterday, but I had enough time to try Pirate’s Cove with five players. It was much better experience than with three and I even upgraded my Geek rating for the game. It’s now nine; three-player game is eight. It’s not really my style of a…

  • Independence Day games

    Even though next board game club meeting is tomorrow, I invited Robert and Olli to my place for some games. It was a very good way to spend the Independence Day in my opinion, especially as Johanna was out of town. First we played some new games I hadn’t yet tried. I’ll write more detailed…

  • Day of Wonder

    I did my first live TV bit today. It was fun, we talked about board games. It was quite light, just five-ten minutes or so and therefore didn’t delve deep into the subject, but still, I had a good time and I think board games got a bit of good publicity. Then I visited Safe…