Tag: Union Pacific

  • Helcon 2006

    Helcon 2006 was a blast, and the most successful event of the Board Game Society history with almost 100 participants. I was there for the Saturday (limitation caused by being a parent; unfortunate for the gaming, but rewarding in other ways). I didn’t play that many games, but as you will see, sometimes (well, often)…

  • Union Pacific

    Chris Brooks has also played Union Pacific and enjoyed it. That reminded me: has anyone tried to play the game without using the board? I think you could just play the trains on the table without placing them on the board. The board is quite large and has little significance in the game — at…

  • Club meeting

    Board game club gathered yesterday to play some games. I was actually rather satisfied with the games I played, I managed to play just about everything I set out to play. We started with San Marco. I’d like to try the game with three players, but once again we had four. It doesn’t matter, because…

  • Board game club meeting

    The board game club season opened well yesterday. We had about 15 attendees, which is a good amount considering our premises. It wasn’t completely ordinary event, though. There was a photographer from the Finnish home journal Kotiliesi, taking pictures for an article that they are doing. It’ll be a great article! He took some pictures…

  • Wildlife, Union Pacific pictures

    New pictures available: Union Pacific and Wildlife. Enjoy!

  • Board game club: Sunda to Sahul, Löwenherz, Union Pacific

    We had another pleasant meeting of the Board game club last Sunday. A typical crowd of about 15-20 people visited during the several hours of gaming. At the best we had three games played simultaneously. As expected, I played Sunda to Sahul — five games, actually. Four of those games were played in a row…

  • Board game club meeting

    Board game club had a meeting Yesterday. There were plans to play Die Macher, since it was the election day and all that, but it was cancelled because I couldn’t find the rule book… Well, I suppose most people had a good afternoon and evening of enjoyment nevertheless. I got to play just about every…

  • Rest of the gaming weekend

    The previous entry covers the games of Friday. This one tells the tale from Saturday to Sunday. It’s a long story, but hopefully of interest at least to someone. Last Saturday was a full day of gaming. I woke up at about ten am and started the morning working on some Go problems. Then, after…