Tag: WordPress

  • New look

    It was about time! I switched the blog from Movable Type to WordPress. I thought it would be a harrowing process, but it was fairly smooth (ok, my idea of smooth involves a fair bit of regexp fixing, mining data with MySQL queries and so on). This was my last active blog using Movable Type,…

  • New Movable Type

    I’m now running Movable Type 3.121 here. Major changes include new, smarter URLs for entries (old files remain, so links are not entirely broken) and new commenting system. I now support TypeKey, which is a global registration service. If you register with TypeKey, you can use that id to comment in several blogs. In Gameblog,…

  • Inconsequential Ruminations moves

    Inconsequential Iain joins the ranks of people moving from Movable Type to WordPress. If you’ve been reading (and if not, check his blog out, it’s a good read), note his new RSS feed.