
I’ve been having these crazy ideas about getting myself a Crokinole board. That’s sort of silly, but it’s not like I’m able to get a pool table anytime soon…

It’s worse now I found Crokinole Companions web site. Crokinole boards from Germany! Less postage costs, no customs, no taxes. Still very expensive, but perhaps not insanely expensive.

I’ll have to think about it.

7 responses to “Crokinole”

  1. Oh, I’m glad to hear there’s a European source for Crokinole. Is that really the first one?! I’d been asked by someone in England about Crokinole versus Carrom (the latter being much easier to obtain in Europe). I enjoy them both, but for me Crokinole is more fun.

  2. It’s the only one I know of. If someone has other information, I’d like to hear about. Probably someone might be doing them, but with little publicity and online presence.

  3. I have tried to found European sources for Crokinoles, but never found. This tempts to make some deal, but unfortunately have to save some money to Essen and then comes christmas. Life’s hard. Maybe I just have to play Pitchcar only.

  4. Well, actually — I’m not buying it now. Since Ismo is a competent woodworker, he’s trying to make one for me. We met Saturday and discussed it and it seems like a pretty easy thing to do after all. At least he’s willing to try… Hopefully it’ll work out.

  5. Yes, if you’ve got some woodworking skills, I’ve heard that Crokinole boards aren’t too difficult. I believe there are plans available via mail order, or maybe free over the net. There’s a Yahoo discussion group for the game that includes some woodworkers who might give advice.

  6. If I recall correctly, this is the same company that was selling Crokinole boards at Essen last year.
    I didn’t get to try the game then, maybe they’ll be in Essen again this year? Although I don’t think I’ll buy a board — dexterity games are not really my thing and Crokinole boards aren’t cheap.

  7. Hey Guys, great to find a Suomen website dicussing boardgames and talking about Crokinole.
    Our small Company Crokinole Companions will be in Essen again this year: Hall 5 Stand 5-25.
    As we have special relations to your country we´ld be very happy to see Finnish people visit our booth…….and we think about a discount!
    best wishes