Tag: Crokinole

  • Finncon + Board Game Club: Steam over Holland, West Riding

    I’ve been too busy to write a session report from Finncon. Well, now I have time. I’ll combine reports, as I just returned from our board game club, where I had a rather splendid little session. So, watch out for another blog entry of epic proportions… I played Steam over Holland in both sessions, so…

  • Tracon III

    I spent most of my yesterday attending Tracon. Tracon is a yearly convention here in Tampere, this was the third time it was organized. Tracon is mostly about anime, manga and role-playing games. In the first two Tracon’s, I don’t think there was any board game presence, but this time the Finnish Board Game Society…

  • Just an idea…

    Last night I came up with a brilliant idea. Since curling is the second most popular sport in the Winter olympics in Finland (can’t beat ice hockey), here’s a game idea to take advantage of that: Curling Crokinole! It’s simple: Crokinole on a board shaped after a curling field. Players try to flick their disks…

  • European partnership Crokinole championship tournament

    The first European partnership Crokinole championship tournament will be fought on February 11th in Dresden, Germany. More information will be available at the Crokinole Companions web site at some point. If I was anywhere near, I would definitely participate, but I’m afraid Crokinole isn’t a reason good enough to spend the money on travel, even…

  • Board game club: Manila, Dividends, Boomtown, Modern Art, Farfalia, Louis XIV

    We had a very good game session yesterday. It started with just me and four guys, but hey, we had a blast even if noone else joined us until much later. After clicking through an absolutely dreadful game of Crokinole with Robert, rest of the guys arrived and I got us started with Manila. It…

  • Board game club session: Spinergy, In the Shadow of the Emperor

    Saturday’s board game club session continued: Another game having some buzz about it was Spinergy. We got nine players to play it, which was nice. Spinergy is highly creative party game, where one player spins three words from a device with three word rings that can be spun. Say there’s “fly, “hay stack” and “trash”.…

  • Helcon III — Saturday

    Helcon III began early in the morning, when we packed up everything in Tommy’s car and headed to the location. We quickly set everything up, unpacked games and arranged the tables and whatnot. First visitors arrived early and started playing games soon and soon more came. First game I played was a four-player Crokinole match.…

  • Boardgame club meeting: Fifth Avenue, Finstere Flure

    The first boardgame club meeting this Fall was yesterday. It sure was great to get some gaming action going on. We had a decent showing, with about two tables going on most of the time. First game I played was Fifth Avenue. It was much better than the last time. This time even the scoring…

  • Weekend gaming session, Saturday

    Saturday was a fun-filled day of gaming as well. Tommy’s brother Miikka joined us. He’s not a gamer the way we are, but likes to play games. We kicked the day off with a four-player game of Attika, a well-known favourite. It was a tough match, which I was finally able to win by connecting…

  • Train game club meeting

    Our board game club met yesterday. The attendance was low, just eight people. However, a group of Diplomacy players shared the space with us and brought some life. Ticket to Ride was very much the game of the day. I had played a game with Johanna earlier, but now I got to play the game…