Kotiliesi article

I got two copies of the Kotiliesi with my article in it. The article is mentioned in the cover (“The best family games”) and it’s four pages long. Pictures are mostly about classics like Monopoly, Scrabble and Afrikan tähti. There’s a picture of yours truly with a pile of better games (Puerto Rico, Amun-Re, Alhambra, Mü & Mehr, Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde, Gargon and Sticheln). There are also big pictures of some new and interesting games. The article looks pretty good, I think! Every reader should be able to recognise Monopoly or Afrikan tähti, that should give a sense of familiarity.

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3 responses to “Kotiliesi article”

  1. Any chance to get scans of the article? Would be nice to see it since I don’t currently subscribe to Kotiliesi (unless they happen to add more boardgame content in the future :-D)

  2. It’s currently pretty much impossible (I have a scanner, but my new computer lacks a SCSI port), but I’ll see what I can do. Meanwhile, nearest Lehtipiste is your friend 😉