Perfect Box

I’ve found the perfect card game box: Drahtseilakt box (the game’s published by ASS) is exactly large enough to hold the cards with protectors and the scoring sticks. Brilliant.

Bambus Spieleverlag boxes are also pretty good, they hold at least two games (especially as Bambus games I have have so few cards). So I can couple, say, Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde with Dia de los Muertos and something else.

On a related note, I got Where’s Bob’s Hat today. Looks good, at least. I should know the rules — I translated them for Safe Haven earlier. I got the game from them, too, as a pay for my services. Which is nice.

One response to “Perfect Box”

  1. Ah, the perfect card game box–I can appreciate that. The flimsy Abacus Spiele boxes are the worst (mine for En Garde in almost destroyed). Although many by Amigo, Berliner, and Ravensburger are much better for having solid top & bottom halves, those boxes are too shallow and can pop open too easily. A deeper box with well-designed insert is the way to go.