Another day, another game review: Fist of Dragonstones. In Finnish, as typical… Tom Vasel has written a very good review in English.
Anyway, I consider Fist of Dragonstones to be a pretty good game, even though I dislike it myself. The mechanics are very repetitive and boring, but the game works well socially. The blind bidding mechanic — nasty, since losers must pay too — is annoying for many and I’m certainly one of those people.
Days of Wonder, however, has done a wonderful job on the production. The game is absolutely brilliant. The art is neat and the components are first-grade. I’m especially fond of the small box, packed full of stuff.
Basically if you’re looking for a fun game to play with your mates, like fantasy themes and dig games like Munchkin (ie. you value theme and fun factor over clever mechanics and intellectually challenging gameplay), Fist of Dragonstones might be just the game for you. Because of the boring mechanics and the blind bidding I’m getting rid of the game as fast as I can.