Diplomacy game

Ok, so now we have Michael as the GM and he has already set up the game. Anybody wishing to join the game should first register with the DPJudge. Next step is to send e-mail to dpjudge@diplom.org, with the following content:

JOIN vertigo [password] redhill


And that’s it.

8 responses to “Diplomacy game”

  1. Getting the missing four players might be tricky. I’ve tried advertising the game, but looks like there’s not much demand for Diplomacy games.

  2. If you have patience, I can still look for some players. First I was only slightly interested but now after reading more about the game I’m starting to get excited:)

  3. Ok, two of my friends I play board games with are willing to try Diplomacy. So they are newbies too. I have still couple of other candidates so maybe we can get seven players! It takes couple of days to inform them about the game and system.