Lords of Vegas

Hey, I did play games last week. Better blog about them before I head to this week’s game session, right?

We tested an auction acquisition from last summer, Lords of Vegas. Had to try it before the math trade deadline, so I know if I have to pass it on right away… but no, it’s a keeper, for now at least.

Lords of Vegas has players developing casinos in Las Vegas. Casinos are made of tiles with dice. When there are several tiles of same colour adjacent, they form a big casino, and the player who has the die with the largest number on it in the casino controls it and scores points from it. Everybody with a die in a casino scores money.

It’s an area majority game, with a twist, and lots of luck. Well, maybe not luck, but probabilities. Which casinos pay is determined by a card draw, and while you can see which cards have been drawn and thus know the odds (well, almost, as all cards are not played), it can get streaky. Understand this more by playing sbobet games yourself. Of course there’s die-rolling in it too.

You may also consider checking out situs slot games if you are looking for exciting cash prizes while playing games!

The best twist is on the score track: at some point, you need to score two points at a time in order to move forward on the score track. The casinos are scored one at the time, so at that point you can forget all-those one-point casinos, you must have two-point casinos. Then the step goes to three and so on. It’s kind of like Age of Steam’s Income Reduction mechanism, really. Very clever.

I’m actually hoping to get a rematch today.

Casinos in Lords of Vegas.
Merging ahead. Not from our game, photo by Virre Annergård / BGG.