Automobile, Pantheon

Last week saw two game sessions. Neat. First I visited Robert’s weekly game night on Wednesday for a game of Automobile. The guys said they took three hours to play the game the last time, but fortunately we ran through in two hours this time. Not a bad game. I played very conservatively, didn’t take much risks. That meant lots of lost sales, but at least I had my costs in check and avoided the black cubes almost completely. Next time I’ll push a bit more to make more money.

I’d play this one again. It’s an interesting game, though I think I’ll somewhat prefer Lokomotive Werks at the moment. Suggest.

In our regular game Thursday we had unusual situation, two tables of games. That also lead to an unusual amount of wrangling to choose the games. I ended up playing Pantheon with Hannu and Tuomo. The guys weren’t particularly thrilled, but I like the game. Tuomo hasn’t rated the game yet, but Hannu slapped it a 6. Bah. I think it’s much better than that.

I’m thinking the game works best with three players. With four players, the game can get too fast. We had pretty fast last round this time as well, I think Hannu didn’t get a move – but at least we had two walking actions, so he didn’t have to go completely without actions. Suggest.

We also played a three-player game of Innovation, as Tuomo had just learnt the game last week (that learning game between two newbies was interesting to watch from the next table). It’s been pretty cool to play the game couple of times with three players recently. Three, I think, is the ideal number of players. Things get a bit more interesting than in the two-player game. Enthusiastic.

We finished up with a five-player game of The City. I should probably get a copy for myself. Suggest.

Heavenly hand