Category: Less about games

  • Academic game studies

    I participated in an interesting meeting last Tuesday. It was the first meeting of a informal study group of game studies, organised by few friendly staff members of the university’s Hypermedia Laboratory. The group will meet few times this Spring and then continue next Autumn, perhaps in a more formal fashion, too. The first meeting…

  • Board game club today

    Board game club meeting is today. I’m looking forward to play Union Pacific, Princes of Florence and Sunda to Sahul. We’ll see… Session report will appear next week.

  • I’m back

    Hi, I’m back from having a great weekend in Jyväskylä. I’ve got things to tell, about Sunda to Sahul and Bingo, but that’ll have to wait for a day or two, I’m a bit busy with school work right now.

  • Top 10 list 04/2003

    Sunda to Sahul (-) Sticheln (2) Go (4) Union Pacific (3) Bohnanza (-) Löwenherz (-) Tichu (1) Mahjong (6) Wildlife (8) Taj Mahal (5)

  • My own Boardgamegeek

    Recently I’ve been working on a dear project of mine: boardgame club stats service. It’s in Finnish, unfortunately. Still, go see it and try clicking the link “Lista peleistä, for example to see how it works. That’s the list of games. “Lista pelaajista” is a list of players. It began with the very basics: a…

  • Top 10 list 03/2003

    Tichu (1) Sticheln (-) Union Pacific (-) Go (-) Taj Mahal (-) Mahjong (7) Goldland (-) Wildlife (-) Princes of Florence (3) Isis & Osiris (10)

  • Interview request

    I got e-mail from a radio journalist, who wants to interview me about board games. She had found my website and is quite interested about board games and why people don’t play them anymore. So, another opportunity for me to preach the gospel. It’s not the first time (second, to be accurate) I find myself…

  • Game weekend begins

    So, here goes: I’m leaving soon for Helsinki, there I’m going to Safe Haven to pick up my Wildlife. Then comes the meeting of Finnish Diplomacy Association with which comes some gaming, naturally. Then I’ll be back home for Saturday. I’ll miss the board game day at Safe Haven, but that’s not too bad, as…

  • Games to play list 1/03

    I calculated some numbers from game stats. First, I joined my 2001 and 2002 stats in a single Excel table to get more data to work on… I had this idea: I should do a list of games I like and haven’t played in a while. All I needed was a formula to get me…

  • Zèrtz+11 tournament

    I’m playing in a Zèrtz+11 tournament on the PBeM Server. The first round started yesterday. Let’s see how I’ll do!