Tag: card games

  • Flix Mix

    Another review up: Flix Mix (in Finnish). Flix Mix is one of my favourite speed games. Each player has an identical deck of 16 cards, all featuring six dots sporting different colours. The goal of the game is to get rid of cards by laying them on the table. There’s just one limitation: each card…

  • Cosmic Eidex

    There’s a review of Cosmic Eidex up at the Finnish site. Cosmic Eidex is a trick-taking game for three players. It’s not the easiest game to learn, particularly for players with no earlier experience of Central European trick-taking games. It’s based on Swiss Jass (and few other games), which brings some peculiarities to the fold.…

  • Fettnapf

    First of the Essen games reviewed! A Finnish review of Fettnapf is up on the Finnish site. I went to the fair looking for a good Amigo card game. I had tagged Fettnapf and played it the first chance I got. It wasn’t a disappointment, but a rather pleasing little game. It’s basically a game…

  • Monopoly Card Game

    I coaxed Johanna to try the Monopoly Card Game. Designed by Phil Orbanes, it’s basically a Monopoly-themed Rummy game. Players try to form their 10-card hands into complete sets of colour groups and bonus cards. First player to build a ready hand scores five extra cards, but everybody counts points. The game is very much…

  • FarFalia

    I wrote a review of FarFalia. My session report summarised the game pretty well already, but here goes again: FarFalia is a trick-taking game for five players. It supports two and three with dummies and four with different arrangements, but it’s designed for five and shines that way. The game features a fairly standard deck…

  • Catan card game

    I got Settlers of Catan Card Game, so of course I had to try it. Nestori agreed to test it out with me and off we went to Catan. The card game is a two-player version of the board game, necessary because trading really doesn’t work with two. As a consequence, there’s little player-to-player trading…

  • Pimp: The Backhanding

    As I said earlier, I had the unfortunate opportunity to play Pimp: The Backhanding. Had I known what it was all about, I might’ve passed it, as I didn’t quite enjoy it. As a game, Pimp’s virtues are limited. I think it’s fairly typical take that -game. Nothing spectacular here; it’s not the worst game…

  • Boardgame club session: Doom, Cluzzle

    Last month we had a record-breaking crowd, now just few players. Such is fortune, waxing and waning. Perhaps the international film festival had something to do with the smaller attendance. We had enough people to play games, and that’s quite enough. We started the games with Bug Bluff. A deck of 64 bug cards (eight…

  • Ambition

    Those reading rec.games.board or rec.games.card might have noticed a thread called truth about church’s ambition. It had nothing to do with church, it’s in fact about Mike Church and his card game Ambition. For some reason there’s a flamewar of sorts going on around the game. Why, I have no idea, but the thread, especially…

  • Die Sieben Siegel

    I reviewed Die Sieben Siegel (in Finnish). Die Sieben Siegel (The Seven Seals) is a trick-taking game (one of these days I should write an introductory article on trick-taking games, in Finnish). In the Card Games classified index it would probably be in the exact bidding group (Spades is not in that group, but is…