Tag: Days of Wonder

  • Online games

    I thought I had ran out of time at the Days of Wonder web games a long time ago, but it turned out I still have over a year or so. Woo-hoo. After all, I have had several of their games and they used to give out one year for each game and it’s all…

  • Queen’s Necklace — online game and a preview

    I decided to try the online version of Queen’s Necklace. Days of Wonder has these brilliant web sites for all their games, with forums and tips and extra stuff for the games. Queen’s Necklace, Fist of Dragonstones and Gang of Four also have online versions. They aren’t free (dollar a month for each game, it…

  • Day of Wonder

    I did my first live TV bit today. It was fun, we talked about board games. It was quite light, just five-ten minutes or so and therefore didn’t delve deep into the subject, but still, I had a good time and I think board games got a bit of good publicity. Then I visited Safe…