Tag: Dia de los Muertos

  • Ropecon 2024

    Ropecon 2024

    Ropecon 2024 was a great experience for games. We played lots of good games, demoed Asian games and met nice people.

  • Tracon III

    I spent most of my yesterday attending Tracon. Tracon is a yearly convention here in Tampere, this was the third time it was organized. Tracon is mostly about anime, manga and role-playing games. In the first two Tracon’s, I don’t think there was any board game presence, but this time the Finnish Board Game Society…

  • Four Dragons or Dia de los Muertos

    I wrote a review of Four Dragons (and Dia de los Muertos). It’s the first review I’ve written with my new game review content management system I built to make writing reviews easier. As you might already know, Four Dragons is a reincarnation of Frank Branham’s self-published Dia de los Muertos. The rules have been…

  • Fish night

    Johanna was out having a party with her friends, so I took the opportunity and invited my usual posse of Robert, Olli and Ari for some games. We started with Fresh Fish which I had finally picked up earlier today. It sure was a brain-bender! We played twice and in the second game got the…

  • Four Dragons — eyewitness report

    I got a copy of Four Dragons today. As the Geek link betrays, it is a remake of Dia de los Muertos, one of my favourite card games. The new edition loses the strong theme (more about that in Four Dragons, an earlier entry of mine), but the new theme isn’t really that bad. Who…

  • Boardgame club session: Black Vienna, Fish Eat Fish, Dia de los Muertos

    What a perfect little boardgame club meeting! I was there under three hours, and still managed to play all the three games I wanted to play and then some! Our session started with Black Vienna, once again. And guess what — nobody was able to figure out the correct combination of criminals. Olli M. was…

  • Four Dragons

    Four Dragons, the new edition of Dia de los Muertos is available, at least in Finland. The theme change is an interesting thing — I do like the original theme a lot. Frank Branham, the game’s designer, takes responsibility of the theme change (as mentioned in a relevant Geek thread). I think the new dragon…

  • New edition of Dia de los Muertos

    Jolly Roger is publishing a new edition of Dia de los Muertos. Boardgames.about.com has some pictures, which looks absolutely gorgeous. That should be interesting, as the game is one of the most interesting trick-taking games there is.

  • Wednesday Games part 5: Amun-Re, East-West

    It’s already the fifth session of our Wednesday games (would be six, except I missed the previous meeting). This time we started with a game of The Last Panther from the Mü games. Well, we actually played just one hand, because then Olli joined us. We started on the main treat, then. It was, of…

  • Wednesday games: Age of Steam

    Yesterday we had another pleasant session of Wednesday games. I made a slight change this time: instead of just card games, I took Age of Steam with me. I was too anxious to play it, after reading just about everything about it I could find Tuesday. But before anybody else arrived, I played a game…