Tag: Helcon

  • HelCon is getting close

    This is probably my last entry here before HelCon. I’ll try to get something posted here as soon as possible after the event, and get some pictures available too. I hope to see as many of you as possible! You’ll find me in the Die Macher table on Saturday afternoon, after that, who knows… Try…

  • HelCon — 26.-27.10.2002

    All Finnish readers, make sure you’re coming to HelCon, a board game event organised by Finnish Diplomacy Association and Safe Haven. It’s in Helsinki 26.-27.10.2002 (for more details, see the web site and/or ask Tommy). Tournaments include Settlers of Catan, Carcassonne and Magic: The Gathering PTQ, and other board games are played non-stop. Of course,…