Tag: Helcon

  • Back from Helcon!

    Another Helcon is gone (well, they’re still playing, but I’m already back home) and boy, it was a good one! We started games on the train to Helsinki. Robert managed to get himself to the wrong train (for some reason there were to trains to Helsinki within three minutes), but I had Olli and Sami…

  • Helcon 2005 — Saturday

    Saturday was games, games, games. About 50 people participated, playing lots of games. Few bigger ones were scheduled and the Memoir ’44 tournament kept on going. Here’s my games: Indonesia. Splotter was the theme of the day, and I started with Indonesia. The game’s about development of Indonesian economy. When the game begins, there are…

  • Helcon 2005 — Friday

    Helcon 2005 was already the fourth time the event was organised. This time we had a new location, a meeting hall of The Finnish Evangelical Lutheran Mission. It was a good location for many reasons: it was clean, had enough room, there were lots of tables, good kitchen facilities and a possibility to rent a…

  • Helcon report

    Tommy posted a nice Helcon report on his website. It’s in Finnish, but English readers can at least take a look at pictures. Few picks: Yours truly studying the rules to Mall World, a very cryptic Sleuth note sheet, Robert, the girls and a game (two out of three are pretty, guess which two) and…

  • Helcon III — Sunday

    If you haven’t read Helcon III — Saturday yet, that’s the place to start from. Sunday began with a meeting, when the Finnish Diplomacy Association had it’s last meeting. It’s final now: the association will now be known as Finnish Boardgame Society or Suomen lautapeliseura. We’ll forget Diplomacy and start spreading the gospel of better…

  • Helcon III — Saturday

    Helcon III began early in the morning, when we packed up everything in Tommy’s car and headed to the location. We quickly set everything up, unpacked games and arranged the tables and whatnot. First visitors arrived early and started playing games soon and soon more came. First game I played was a four-player Crokinole match.…

  • Pre-Helcon games

    Helcon is history and it’s time to write another lengthy epic on the games played. The event was a wild success, with over 50 visitors during the two days. The place we had was practically full during the Saturday afternoon. There’s definitely new event next year, but we might be forced to look for a…

  • Helcon expectations

    Today I’m heading to Helsinki and Helcon. I thought I wouldn’t take a huge load of games with me, but here I go, hauling one large bag and few smaller ones. If things go well, I’ll be able to sell most of those games and I don’t have to take them back. There are only…

  • Some statistics

    I thought I’d entertain you with some statistics. This has nothing to do with games, but my blog, so feel free to skip this one. Anyway, I took everything I had written to Gameblog and wrote a program to count it. According to my counts, I’ve written about 135 000 words before this entry. That’s…

  • San Juan and St. Petersburg

    With my job and all, last three months have been very quiet games-wise. So, the first thing I did on my first day off from work was to head to Brettspielwelt and play some games! It was quiet this time of day, but I managed to play few two-player games of San Juan and St.…