Tag: Helcon

  • Major gaming ahead

    Helcon III is coming! This two-day gaming extravaganza is scheduled for 6.-7.11. this year. I enjoyed last year immensely and expect this year will measure up. For more information, see the event web site (in Finnish, if you can’t read it but are interested, ask me for more details). If you are still hesitating, just…

  • HelCon II + others

    I posted some HelCon II pictures at my gallery. There are also some pictures of Finstere Flure, Attika, Amun-Re, Age of Steam and Tigris & Euphrates, all taken at HelCon.

  • HelCon II — Sunday

    Sunday began with a game of Tom Tube against Ville, who hadn’t played before. I won the game with a single point — it was very exciting and close match. I like the game, definitely. During that game, more people arrived and Mikko K. joined us. I wanted to try Flaschenteufel (one of the Essen…

  • HelCon II — Saturday

    Saturday was the first day of HelCon II. We got up early, packed the car and headed towards the location. Which was quite nice, really! For once the space was open and had windows and even the bathrooms were quite clean. Of course, there was the limitation that all gaming must end before the alarm…

  • HelCon II — Friday

    I started the HelCon II experience on Friday. The event began Saturday, but I since I was coming from a longer distance, arriving on Friday was a good idea so I could meet Tommy and Laura sooner. Evening was well spent at the Ryytty residence, filled with games, food, sauna and idle chatter. They had…

  • Lord of the Rings: Confrontation

    As some of my most faithful readers might remember, Reko had promised to teach me to play Lord of the Rings: Confrontation at the HelCon. Well, he kept his promise and after our game of Die Händler was over, I hooked up with him and we played two games. The rules were quickly explained —…

  • More pictures!

    Now I have all of the HelCon (and earlier) game pictures online. Go ahead: Alcatraz Battle Cry Die Händler LotR: Confrontation Villa Paletti Next I’ll start working on the session reports.

  • Stephenson’s Rocket

    So, as requested by Iain, here’s my thoughts about Stephenson’s Rocket. Tommy has been carrying this Reiner Knizia game around to many events, but hasn’t ever been able to play it with more than 2 players. To help out the poor guy, I suggested we play it. We soon had two other players and a…

  • HelCon pictures online

    Some of the pictures I took at HelCon (those with people — most of the pictures concentrated 100% on the games) are available at my picture gallery. Captions are in Finnish, sorry for foreign readers. You wouldn’t know the people anyway… Game pictures and session reports will come as soon as possible, but it’ll take…

  • Back from HelCon

    I wrote a more detailed entry about coming back from HelCon, but managed to destroy it with accidental backspacing… Oops. Well, anyway, I’m back, had a great time, played many good games, took almost 100 photos and so on. A detailed session report (including Battle Cry, Die Macher, Die Händler, Stephenson’s Rocket and Villa Paletti…