Tag: Jenseits von Theben

  • Thursday session: Wabash Cannonball, Thebes

    More Wabash Cannonball. Hannu was keen to give the game another go and so was I. We were joined by Petri and Make, both newbies. It was an interesting game… This time we played for long, it took us almost 90 minutes to finish. Petri tends to do that for games, I’ve noticed, but we…

  • Archeology with Johanna

    Johanna wanted to play a game while Nooa is taking a nap (he’s a good sleeper, sleeping easily two hours). We had talked about trying Thebes, so that’s what we did. The theme is attractive (always important) and the game is pleasantly easy to teach (despite some problems with the English rules). The game is…

  • Queen Games in Scandinavia

    Queen Games is expanding to Scandinavia, it seems, as I was just hired to translate their games to Finnish. It’s funny how this internet thing works, you just get interesting job offers out of the blue! Once somebody wrote to me and said he enjoyed my blog and asked if I’d like to write about…

  • Jenseits von Theben

    To all the people anxious to help me to get rid of my extra copy of Jenseits von Theben, stay calm! I won’t do anything about it before next week when I get back home. Then I’ll probably see if there’s any interest in Finland, because that will be the easiest thing for me (Helcon-goers…

  • Thursday, day two: Shopping for games

    The morning started off quite well. We were having breakfast, when I suddenly noticed a familiar-looking gentleman in a salmon-coloured shirt: herr Knizia! I wasn’t quite brave enough to go talk to him, but maybe I’ll ask for his signature tomorrow, as I now have a game to ask it to. It would be neat…