New games
My game collection has grown with two new games. I picked up Lord of the Rings: The Confrontation and Balloon Cup from the post office today. They were my reward for translating the Dragon Ball Z card game rules. I’m looking forward to trying Balloon Cup as soon as possible, it seems like a rather…
The Games Journal is out
Finally the January 2003 The Games Journal is out. There’s an article about Princes of Florence and Puerto Rico by yours truly, a very interesting article (based on a thesis) about combining electronics and board games and some witty comedy. There’s also the solution for the last month’s Confrontation puzzle, which I thought was unsolvable.…
New Games Journal is out
Another issue of the fabulous Games Journal is out. There’s an interesting article about modifying games for the blind people to play and Greg Schloesser’s thoughts about writing bad reviews. There’s also an interesting Lord of the Rings: Confrontation puzzle I’m definitely trying to solve.
Lord of the Rings: Confrontation
As some of my most faithful readers might remember, Reko had promised to teach me to play Lord of the Rings: Confrontation at the HelCon. Well, he kept his promise and after our game of Die Händler was over, I hooked up with him and we played two games. The rules were quickly explained —…