Tag: Niagara

  • Thursday, day two: Shopping for games

    The morning started off quite well. We were having breakfast, when I suddenly noticed a familiar-looking gentleman in a salmon-coloured shirt: herr Knizia! I wasn’t quite brave enough to go talk to him, but maybe I’ll ask for his signature tomorrow, as I now have a game to ask it to. It would be neat…

  • Spiel des Jahres 2005: Niagara

    Niagara wins the coveted Spiel des Jahres 2005 award. Hooray for Zoch; this is their second win in few years (previous award was 2002 for Villa Paletti). My first guess for winner was Around the World in 80 Days, since Kosmos hasn’t recieved the award in ten years (last time was 1995 with, of course,…

  • Niagara

    Next up in my Finnish review site: Niagara. While Zoch is well-known for games with good presentation, Niagara is an extremely pretty game. From the first pictures I saw from the Essen fair 2004 I knew I had to see this game in action. I was not disappointed: the clever board (go see the pictures…

  • Gone Fishing, Catan, Niagara

    A bunch of games played recently: I played a game of Gone Fishing! with Johanna on Friday. She proved to be a superior fisher. Of 31 possible fish points, she got 26. I fished after her, so I could tally my score against hers, but woe, I ended up eight points short. I was rather…

  • Boardgame Club meeting: Niagara, Fresh Fish

    Our club meeting yesterday drew a record crowd of 25 gamers. At one point we had five games going on at the same time! That’s amazing and I do hope this is a continuing trend and not just a fluke. Some of the expansion was caused by a group of people interested to try Age…

  • Games of 2004

    Another year gone, another report of year’s activities. Once more, there’s probably more information than anyone wants to know, but it’s more for me anyway. Once again I played more than 100 different games — 113 to be precise. That’s less than last year, but then again, I played overall less games this year. Numbers…

  • Helcon report

    Tommy posted a nice Helcon report on his website. It’s in Finnish, but English readers can at least take a look at pictures. Few picks: Yours truly studying the rules to Mall World, a very cryptic Sleuth note sheet, Robert, the girls and a game (two out of three are pretty, guess which two) and…

  • Helcon III — Saturday

    Helcon III began early in the morning, when we packed up everything in Tommy’s car and headed to the location. We quickly set everything up, unpacked games and arranged the tables and whatnot. First visitors arrived early and started playing games soon and soon more came. First game I played was a four-player Crokinole match.…

  • Helcon expectations

    Today I’m heading to Helsinki and Helcon. I thought I wouldn’t take a huge load of games with me, but here I go, hauling one large bag and few smaller ones. If things go well, I’ll be able to sell most of those games and I don’t have to take them back. There are only…