Tag: Power Grid

  • War dreams

    I must confess. The guys at the Board Game Society forums have been talking about Advanced Squad Leader a lot, particularly the starter kits. Despite what I’ve said earlier about preferring these detailed strategy games on computer, I’m feeling a small pining for something like that. EastFront is another example of games that have been…

  • Industrial Waste vs Power Grid

    I was asked a question by Jacob in the comments of an earlier post: Hey, could I trouble you for your opinion of Industrial Waste vs Powergrid? I’ve played neither and I’m intrigued by both. Powergrid is ranked really high on BGG and when I read reviews, I keep feeling that the same negatives (i.e.…

  • Board game club session: Spinergy, In the Shadow of the Emperor

    Saturday’s board game club session continued: Another game having some buzz about it was Spinergy. We got nine players to play it, which was nice. Spinergy is highly creative party game, where one player spins three words from a device with three word rings that can be spun. Say there’s “fly, “hay stack” and “trash”.…

  • BSW session: Diamant, Attribute (finally!)

    I did two BrettSpielWelt sessions today. I tried to recruit folks from Boardgame Society forums, but with no luck. I got some general interest, but nobody joined me. On my first visit I played seven games of Diamant. It’s a new filler game from Alan Moon and Bruno Faidutti. It’s a push-your-luck game: players are…

  • BrettSpielWelt session

    It’s been a while since my last BrettSpielWelt session. Six months, actually! Well, nothing’s changed over there, just a new game or few. However, playing anything except the standards proved to be pretty hard, as usual. I got in five games of San Juan, with two and three players. The three-player games proved to be…

  • Games of 2004

    Another year gone, another report of year’s activities. Once more, there’s probably more information than anyone wants to know, but it’s more for me anyway. Once again I played more than 100 different games — 113 to be precise. That’s less than last year, but then again, I played overall less games this year. Numbers…

  • Finnish Players’ Picks 2004

    Ok, finally: Finnish Players’ Picks 2004 voting is over, votes have been tallied and I can announce the results: Puerto Rico wins, again. Carcassonne is second and catches up, losing only by two votes. Once again, there’s a GeekList of the top games (here’s last year’s list). The whole list can be seen at the…

  • Spielboy and The Games Journal

    The latest issue of Spielboy is out. Check it out — it’s the typical mixture of interesting articles and, ehm, artistic pictures. Most interesting article this time is Do I Offend?, which takes a look at the ways how games can offend people. It’s interesting, because I just recently wrote a column at Lautapelit.fi on…

  • Power Grid and StreetSoccer

    First: this is entry #500. Now that’s something. I dropped by Brettspielwelt today to play some games. My main interest was to try StreetSoccer in realtime after playing so much of it in Little Golem. It was fun, though I don’t like the BSW interface. I’d like to have a neat and clear 2d board…

  • Power Grid

    I spent some quality time in Brettspielwelt playing Power Grid. I hadn’t tried it there before, but the interface turned out to be rather obvious. I had only one problem: the message window was only one row tall when I expanded the window to full-screen size (a must when playing Power Grid). I played three…