Tag: San Juan

  • Helcon 2006

    Helcon 2006 was a blast, and the most successful event of the Board Game Society history with almost 100 participants. I was there for the Saturday (limitation caused by being a parent; unfortunate for the gaming, but rewarding in other ways). I didn’t play that many games, but as you will see, sometimes (well, often)…

  • Hot games for Q1/2006

    Here’s a list of hottest games for first quarter of 2006 for me. This is based on number of plays, my enjoyment of the game and the novelty value, so new games tend to show up higher on the list. Einfach Genial — I played quite a lot of this in BSW, where it’s a…

  • Game weekend at Tommy’s, day two

    Saturday was a full day of games, though curiously we didn’t play as many games as on Friday night. The games were longer, though. Stefu joined us for Saturday, and Tommy’s brother Miikka did a guest appearance as well. The games were disturbed by an excellent meal of braised reindeer (nope, it wasn’t Rudolph), which…

  • My game of the year

    I’ll play brave and throw a guess: my game of the year this year will be San Juan. So far I’ve played 30 games of it (plus dozens of games with Jim’s San Juan, which is fun now the AI is harder to beat), which is a lot! Most of the play is in BSW,…

  • Jim’s San Juan

    If you like San Juan and have a Mac, go get Jim’s San Juan (zip packet, almost five megs). It’s a very good computer version of the card game. The user interface is very smooth and easy to use. The AI is fairly good, but not superb. I’ve only lost once to any of the…

  • BSW games: team Genial, Verflixxt, San Juan

    I’ve been playing in BrettSpielWelt. It’s fun, particularly as I had to skip a game session yesterday because I had surprise surgery (tonsillectomy and uvulectomy; I’ve been waiting the operation for, like, nine months and then they book me with a week’s warning). Today’s highlight was a team game of Einfach Genial, first one for…

  • Quick BSW session: San Juan and Caylus

    I popped in BrettSpielWelt to play few games. San Juan didn’t go too well for me: everybody else had Prefectures and Quarrys, I didn’t get any… It was an obvious loss, and I don’t think I did that many mistakes, either. Well, the cards giveth and the cards taketh away, that’s what you get. Caylus,…

  • Afternoon games: San Juan, San Marco

    I met the two Ollis for games today. We played San Juan, where I did the rare choice of pursuing producing as a career. That backfired, especially when I didn’t get a large building. At least I won my first game with Olli M., using a more old-fashioned purple strategy. Our bigger board game this…

  • BrettSpielWelt session

    It’s been a while since my last BrettSpielWelt session. Six months, actually! Well, nothing’s changed over there, just a new game or few. However, playing anything except the standards proved to be pretty hard, as usual. I got in five games of San Juan, with two and three players. The three-player games proved to be…

  • Catan card game

    I got Settlers of Catan Card Game, so of course I had to try it. Nestori agreed to test it out with me and off we went to Catan. The card game is a two-player version of the board game, necessary because trading really doesn’t work with two. As a consequence, there’s little player-to-player trading…