Tag: Settlers of Catan

  • Co-operative Settlers of Catan

    Settlers of Catan meets M.U.L.E. in Seize Life! describes a M.U.L.E.-inspired variant of Catan where players must co-operate and win together: In M.U.L.E. the player are all in coopertition, cooperative competition. They are colonists trying to make good for themselves but also must help their fellow players. At a certain time “those in charge” return…

  • Thursday session: Catan, Modern Art

    Our Thursday sessions continue to be quiet. Well, three is enough! We started with Fairy Tale, as usual, but this game was unusual! I was doing well, I got all three of those eight-point “get two of the other suits” cards and got them fulfilled, too. Well, Sami did close down my critical cards, but…

  • Catan World Championships

    The Catan World Championships were played in Essen last week. The new world champion of Settlers of Catan is Markus Nuopponen from Finland. Markus won three out of the four games in the first rounds and kicked butt in the semifinal and the final. Go Finland! I’ve had the pleasure to play with Markus, who…

  • Elasund

    Finnish review of Elasund. Elasund is the latest Catan spinoff. Players are building the first city in Catan, trying to reap glory by getting their buildings to fill the city. The game has surface similarities to Catan — the resource-producing die roll, the ten victory points, using resources to build buildings that produce new resources,…

  • New games

    Got Elasund and Farlander from Tactic. Both are interesting games in their own way. Elasund is, of course, the latest game in the Catan franchise. The Catan basics are there (die roll for resource production, building to ten victory points), but outside that it’s something fairly new compared to other Catan games. There’s one aspect…

  • Travian

    I’m somewhat hooked on Travian. It’s a German multi-user online game you can play using just a browser. Let’s see if it sounds familiar: players farm their hexagon-shaped fields, producing a variety of resources: wood, bricks, iron and wheat. These are used to build new buildings and improve the fields, but also to create units…

  • Saturday, day three: Crowds and games

    Last day of the fair! Sunday would be a definite no, since we have to leave for the airport before the fair actually opens. At the breakfast, there were a lot more people than before — the first sign of the weekend action. Lots of guys I had seen at the Gigantoskop stand were there,…

  • Ropecon

    Ropecon 2005 is approaching fast. It’s the biggest roleplaying event in Finland and boasts a wide variety of board game events. There’s the Finnish Championships of Catan and Carcassonne, where the winners get to go to Essen to represent Finland in the World Championships (no, the plane tickets are not paid for). There’s also lots…

  • Gone Fishing, Catan, Niagara

    A bunch of games played recently: I played a game of Gone Fishing! with Johanna on Friday. She proved to be a superior fisher. Of 31 possible fish points, she got 26. I fished after her, so I could tally my score against hers, but woe, I ended up eight points short. I was rather…

  • Joys of authorship

    Oh, how can one’s own name look so gorgeous, when it’s printed in a game. To be honest, getting a name on the box cover with large print would be even more gorgeous, but even small name in the end of the rulebook is just great. Just great…