Year 2002 board game club stats
I also keep the statistics for our board game club. I think it’s interesting to know what games are played (and by whom, but that is of minor interest). Of course, you can keep track of the stats in real time at the web site, but here’s a review of the last year’s numbers. Number…
Gaming year 2002 — the statistical review
I love keeping the statistics for the games I play. I like toying around with the numbers, seeing how they go. Of course, the biggest rewards come when you can make deeper, more complete analysis. Changing of the year is a natural time for that. I can make a fairly complete review of the past…
Gamer profile system moves on
Another day at work coming to an end and some more work done on the project (my job is mostly waiting for someone to call me and ask me to help them — happens maybe once every two days or so). It’s starting to shape up. And the project has attracted some interest (as you…
I thought I wasn’t quite that crazy to count the happiness product of my games played, but it turns out I was. Of course, I count all the games I play. I have also graded every game on a scale of 1-10. Now the obvious step is to count which game has produced most enjoyment:…