Tag: tournaments

  • Back from Helcon!

    Another Helcon is gone (well, they’re still playing, but I’m already back home) and boy, it was a good one! We started games on the train to Helsinki. Robert managed to get himself to the wrong train (for some reason there were to trains to Helsinki within three minutes), but I had Olli and Sami…

  • Finnish PitchCar Championships

    Finnish PitchCar fans: Lautapelit.fi, the publisher of the Finnish edition of the game, is organizing the first Finnish PitchCar Championships. The races are driven in their store in Helsinki Saturday October 20th. Winner will go home with a trophy and either a game or a gift certificate, second place will get the other. There’s a…

  • Catan World Championships

    The Catan World Championships were played in Essen last week. The new world champion of Settlers of Catan is Markus Nuopponen from Finland. Markus won three out of the four games in the first rounds and kicked butt in the semifinal and the final. Go Finland! I’ve had the pleasure to play with Markus, who…

  • European partnership Crokinole championship tournament

    The first European partnership Crokinole championship tournament will be fought on February 11th in Dresden, Germany. More information will be available at the Crokinole Companions web site at some point. If I was anywhere near, I would definitely participate, but I’m afraid Crokinole isn’t a reason good enough to spend the money on travel, even…

  • Saturday, day three: Crowds and games

    Last day of the fair! Sunday would be a definite no, since we have to leave for the airport before the fair actually opens. At the breakfast, there were a lot more people than before — the first sign of the weekend action. Lots of guys I had seen at the Gigantoskop stand were there,…

  • Ropecon

    Ropecon 2005 is approaching fast. It’s the biggest roleplaying event in Finland and boasts a wide variety of board game events. There’s the Finnish Championships of Catan and Carcassonne, where the winners get to go to Essen to represent Finland in the World Championships (no, the plane tickets are not paid for). There’s also lots…

  • Exciting times at Little Golem

    I’m currently having very exciting time. I’m playing in the Little Golem StreetSoccer championship. My goal was not to be demoted to fifth level, but since the championship started, I’ve learned how to play, my rating has climbed up to mid-1500s and it looks like I might actually get a promotion to the third level.…

  • Games ahead

    It’s been quiet recently. My gaming activities have been more focused on the console games side, but hey, things are heating up here as well. Next weekend I’m heading to Jyväskylä to see my mother and Ismo and as usual, games are in schedule. I’m looking forward to finally try Fifth Avenue, but I suppose…

  • Little Golem

    I recently registered at Little Golem. It’s a play-by-web site featuring a selection of games. StreetSoccer should be of interest to some (looks like Iain tried it), I’m there mostly to play Go. The interface is inferior to my regular haunt, Dragon Go Server, but Little Golem has something Dragon still hasn’t: well-organised tournaments. Little…

  • Tournament scoring system

    There’s been some talk on Spielfrieks about tournament scoring systems. Paul Sauberer suggested awarding chances at prize draw, instead of ranking points. Now that’s a neat idea! It could be worth using sometimes. Paul’s idea of five chances for winner with some bonuses for the length of games sounds good, too. That way winning every…